If you can't imagine this...

...then we need to talk

Eight Truthful Conversations to Escape the Mental Overwhelm of Clutter

If you can't imagine this...

...then you need this!

VIP Membership in Your Organized Life w/ Tanisha

Are you staring at all that needs to be done and feel instantly overwhelmed?

Do you see a perfectly organized space & feel like it's unachievable?

Are you carrying years of guilt & shame because of your struggle with clutter?

Have you lost hope of getting organized because..."It Is What It Is"?

No. It's. Not.

But how?
You’ve never seen a space like mine.
I've tried everything.

You've tried and are exhausted from running on the
constant hamster wheel of disorganization,
drowning in the sheer mass of your stuff,
and spending so much money
buying the same items over and over again
that you are at a breaking point

Are you staring at all that needs to be done and feel instantly overwhelmed?

Do you see a perfectly organized space & feel like it's unachievable?

Are you carrying years of guilt & shame because of your struggle with clutter?

Have you lost hope of getting organized because..."It Is What It Is"?

No. It's. Not.

But how?
You’ve never seen a space like mine.
I've tried everything.

You have tried and you are exhausted from running on the
constant hamster wheel of disorganization,
drowning in the sheer mass of your stuff,
and spending so much money
buying the same items over and over again
that you are at a breaking point

Imagine if YOU could:

Receive 72 hours of live GUIDANCE
while you declutter during organizing parties

Be EMPOWERED to take control of your space & conquer the CLUTTER for good

Join a community of women that
CELEBRATE every win & pick you up
when you stumble

DISCOVER a way to declutter & organize that make sense to you and your family...& maintain it.

You can get Your Organized Life w/ Tanisha this year!


Value:  $20,000+

STOP attempting to
"FUNCTION" in chaotic
spaces, it's INSANITY

SHIFT your mindset and
your living spaces

BREAK the strongholds
that have plagued you for YEARS so you can GET TO WORK

Benefits of Membership

- YOLwT Membership Portal
- Resources & Downloads
- SLACK Discussion Board
- New Member Welcome Calls
- Monthly Member Only Q&As Check-ins
- Monthly Organizing Happy Hours (multiple)
- Monthly Sort n Sip Organizing Parties (multiple)

You know this is for you if:

 You no longer have company because your home is too cluttered and its embarrassing

 You are barely keeping your head above water and are drowning from the weight of daily life

 You have always been the "messy" one

 You are tired of "organizing" and then it gets bad again in no time

 You've bore the responsibility of dealing with "the stuff" after a loved one died and it horrifies you of what you will leave behind

 You get a glimpse of motivation and then are paralyzed almost immediately

 You feel overwhelmed and anxious when thinking about a declutter project

 You have given up hope of ever getting organized

 You have stuff in an off-site storage unit that you never use

 You have clothes in every closet in your home, including your children's

 You only attempt to organize in preparation for a function or company

 You feel like you are the only one who cares and are in this journey alone

 You are tired of "cleaning up" under the pressure & anxiety of the deadline of an event

You know this is for you if:

 You no longer have company because your home is too cluttered and its embarrassing

 You are barely keeping your head above water and are drowning from the weight of daily life

 You have always been the "messy" one

 You are tired of "organizing" and then it gets bad again in no time

 You've bore the responsibility of dealing with "the stuff" after a loved one died and it horrifies you of what you will leave behind

 You get a glimpse of motivation and then are paralyzed almost immediately

 You feel overwhelmed and anxious when thinking about a declutter project

 You have given up hope of ever getting organized

 You have stuff in an off-site storage unit that you never use

 You have clothes in every closet in your home, including your children's

 You only attempt to organize in preparation for a function or company

 You feel like you are the only one who cares and are in this journey alone

 You are tired of "cleaning up" under the pressure & anxiety of the deadline of an event

As Seen In...

Your Organized Life w/ Tanisha

A portal design to house documents, downloads, videos, calendars, & information to assist you on your organizing journey
(Value:  $2500)

Members only SLACK Discussion Boards where privacy, accountability, & support will keep you on the organizing path
(Value:  $7200)

Strategy & Practical Solutions for you to get organized now & forever

(Value:  Invaluable)

New Member Welcome Calls, (12) Members Only Q&As, (12) LIVE Organizing Happy Hours, (24) Sort n Sip Organizing Parties
(Value:  $11,000)

Complementary VIP Upgrade to My Organized Life LIVE
(Value: Invaluable)

Meet Tanisha

Hey y'all hey!

Tanisha is the founder & owner of Natural Born Organizers, LLC. Since starting her business in January 2013, she has guided countless amount of clients (including actors, comedians, & singers) through the declutter process in a fraction of the time & frustration than when they do it themselves.

She spent the first 8-weeks of the pandemic (Spring 2020) serving by hosting free group organizing sessions on Zoom three times/day 5 days/week helping women around the world create order in their lives by bringing order to their homes.  She personally impacted over 300 households.

Tanisha is a proud alumna of Howard University, wife of 21 years, blended family mother of 3, & lives in her hometown of Los Angeles, California.

What people are saying about Tanisha?

"In the first 15 minutes...Tanisha helped me understand the major issue with my establishing effective order in my space & my perspective.  Her directing my focus to the purpose of my space...led to the most productove organizing endeavor I have ever had."

-Christina C., Georgia

"Thank you for making yourself and your talents available to us.  You are a blessing.  I learned so much."

-Anonymous Attendee of a Sort n Sip

"Honestly, I had no idea what to expect.  I thought you would tell me that I was a messy person and should be ashamed of the state of disorganization.  I beat myself over how messy my room gets and was ready to hear it from you.  You are so nice and filled with empathy.  I felt like I could tackle my clutter."

-Jackie S. Iowa 

"It was a pleasure seeing someone who truly gets it.  she was instrumental in me just starting!"

-Melissa L. New York

"Thank you.  I cannot tell you how your insight has lit a bit of a flame under me to get this process started.  I would always get overwhelmed when I see it and quickly walk away.  I now see my guest bedroom in SECTIONS not necessarily as a WHOLE.  This is inspiring too!  I will begin the process to declutter and generate some space in the room."

-T. McAuley, N. Carolina

"Ms Porter exceeded my expectations...I left feeling fully motivated and eager to get started...I have a long way to go but feel less overwhelmed than before."

-R. Harris, Illinois

"My life is being snatched in the best way possible. Judgment free!  My whole apartment will be an organized SNACK."

-W. West, Louisiana

"I am so grateful for Tanisha of NBO...her passion and compassion took away my anxiety about my clutter and gave me practical advice.  Her guidance is invaluable, her name speaks for her...Natural Born Organizer."

-Pamela W., Kentucky

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